
A long-term training course “Intercultural Learning in Youth Work Practice” 20-30 September 1999, Eskilstuna, Sweden 3-13 April 2000, Helsinki, Finland The long-term training course was organised for youth workers active with multicultural groups and intending to carry out European youth projects co-operation with INGO “Young Women From Minorities” and Finnish Youth Cooperation Allianssi with support of Youth For Europe Programme, Baltic Region Youth Cooperation Fund. Participants from twelve countries were trained in intercultural learning principles and methodologies. Objectives of the training course to train youth workers in intercultural learning principles and methodologies; to motivate and support participants in starting concrete projects and help them to evaluate those projects; to empower participants to better understand how to deal with daily realities of racism, discrimination, social exclusion and self exclusion of young people from socially deprived areas; to provide basic information on European institutions and their youth programmes and train participants on how to use them. Young people from Finland, Italy, Latvia, United Kingdom, Ireland, Luxembourg, Sweden, Portugal, The Netherlands, Poland, Germany, Estonia participated in the course. Elements of the programme Exchange of youth work experiences Presentation of project ideas Project planning groups Skills workshops Financial planning Project & evaluation groups